• +256 773345088 info@deliveranceforchrist.org
  • Maganjo-Kampala Uganda
Married Ministry:- Deliverance For Christ Glory International Ministries
Married Ministry
Married Ministry

Ephesians 5:22 & 25 Wives submit to your own husbands ,as to the Lord .For the husband is head of the wife ,as also Christ is head of the church: Husbands, love your wives just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her,

Moses blessed in his pastoral work which now has taken 20 years in ministry he has observed very many problems in marriage that has also consequently causes very many Christian and pastors marriages to break.

The holy spirit led him to seek the lord to know the root causes of Christian marriages breakages and while he was getting revelation he was also ministering to many married people this gave him very many opportunities to an exposure of very many issues behind marriage problems and one of the most important principle of our ministry is a health marriage is the foundation of a firm and growing ministry or church.

We strongly condemn divorce and we believe in reconciliation if things went wrong.

We conduct married seminars, conference and retreats and some of the teaching we teach involves the following
  • Forgiveness
  • Planting alters in homes or marriage
  • Destroying satanic alters
  • Intended to separate married.
  • Breaking evil spirit, body, soul ties with former lovers or ex
  • How to balance marriage ministry and work
  • Bringing up children in ways of God.
  • How to deliver your spouse from satanic attacks.
  • Dealing with Jezebel spirit in marriage especially in women
  • How to handle relatives in marriage
  • Sexual satisfaction
  • How to handle children born in wedlock’s
  • How to live with your spouse if he or she is not yet born again
  • The causes of sexual deprivation
  • Deliverance from spiritual spouses
  • How to get deliverance from ancestral spirits
  • Finance management in marriage
  • Witch craft practice and sorcery in marriage/li>